President and CEO
After studies in music and in administration, among other things, Marie-Catherine turned towards arts management. She worked for several cultural organizations across Canada (including the Sherbrooke symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Anonymus, Les Violons du Roy and the Carrefour de Théâtre de Québec) and undertook internships overseas. Since she founded Boulev'Art Artists’ Management in 1995, she has sat on several Boards of Directors. Enthusiastic globetrotter, she has a passion about Asia and Europe. Marie-Catherine likes performing arts, cooking, reading and spending time with friends, who have to understand her atypical hours...
514 667-0880, extension 1

Agent and Marketing Manager
A graduate of the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal in Vocal Arts under the tutelage of Marie Daveluy, Kimy Mc Laren made her professional stage debut with Opéra National du Rhin. She has performed extensively worldwide and accrued a formidable and widely diverse repertoire comprised of opera, concert, recital, and musical theatre under the direction of great conductors such as Charles Dutoit, Kent Nagano and Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Wishing to pursue a career on the administrative side of music, she recently joined the ranks of Boulev'Art Artists' Management first as an administrative assistant, then as a communications manager and finally as an agent. Thus, nurturing her genuine passion for all aspects of Arts.
514 667-0880, extension 3

Strategic Advisor and project manager
Michel Létourneau has more than 30 years of leadership experience in prominent cultural organizations in Quebec, including the Quebec City Summer Festival, the Quebec Symphony Orchestra, Cinoque Films and the Régie du Cinéma du Québec. He was also Commissioner General of the Government of Quebec from 2001 to 2003 in New York and Mexico. A graduate of the Conservatoire de musique du Québec and the Berklee school of music in Boston, then of the ÉNAP and the Leadership Institute of Montreal and Paris, this musician turned cultural manager has been collaborating with Boulev'Art for the past few years as a strategic advisor and project manager. Michel is a knowledgeable music lover who also enjoys food and being by the water.

After studying French literature and journalism, Luce Couture worked as a cultural journalist for the newspapers Option Globale and Magazine l'Estrie in Sherbrooke (Canada). She then joined the Centennial Theater team at Bishop's University, where she successively held the positions of programmer and director, before moving on, until recently, to the Stanstead Arts Centre, where she was also in charge of programming. Parallel to this, Luce developed her career as a music and dance agent for a number of artists and arts organizations. An avid reader and cook in her spare time, she loves more than anything to participate in the development and dissemination of the work of artists.
514 667-0880, extension 2